One of the best places I’ve found to buy vintage Lacoste is on Etsy. Just type the term “Vintage Lacoste” into the search box, and you will find a lot of reasonably-priced items for sale. Remember, before you buy, it’s important to check for whether the items for sale are counterfeit or not. Luckily, most of the items shown on Etsy, show enough photos for you to make some basic checks before you buy. In particular, most of the listings show good views of the logo, which is one of the easiest ways to check for fake merchandise. So, good hunting!
Category Archives: Counterfeit Lacoste
Another Fake Lacoste on Ebay
I’ve written before about how many of the Lacoste shirts for sale on Ebay are fakes, but most are not as obvious as this one:

A Three Button Lacoste Polo?
Three buttons, none of which are sewed on straight? Don’t be fooled, check out my instructions on detecting fake Lacoste.
Lacoste on Ebay
If you are looking for a convenient place to buy vintage Lacoste (or even new Lacoste) fashion, then Ebay is a good place to start. Be warned, however, that there have been a lot of reports of fake Lacoste and Izod items being offered for sale there. While I’ve never personally experienced this, you should definitely communicate with the seller to make sure that you are getting genuine goods. See my post on How to Identify a Fake Lacoste for some hints on ensuring that the item you are purchasing is real.
Anyway, with that warning, here’s where to find Lacoste fashion on Ebay, and here’s where to find Izod/Lacoste on Ebay.